Anti-aging addresses how to prevent, slow, or reverse the effects of aging and help people live longer, healthier, happier lives. It includes scientific research and applications in genetic engineering, tissue engineering, and other medical advances, e.g., finding treatments and cures for Alzheimer’s disease. It includes anti-aging psychology, e.g., coping skills for resiliently handling change, stress, and aging. Life extension is the part of anti-aging focused on living as long as possible.

The anti-aging marketplace includes nutrition, physical fitness, skin care, hormone replacements, vitamins, supplements, and herbs. Alternative medicine and holistic approaches have often been an incubator for approaches initially shunned by traditional medicine.

Want to Know Why Anti-Wrinkle Creams Containing Collagen and Elastin Don't Work?

Have you ever wondered if anti-wrinkle creams with collagen and elastin really work, and if they actually possess the secret ingredient that stimulates collagen?

Now just hang tight, this article will not only tell you why these creams with collagen and elastin does not work, but it will also fill in on the ingredients, stimulates collagen production, really.

Let's first look at anti-wrinkle creams with collagen and elastin products. , By using a bit of research, it is obvious that collagen and elastin, the two proteins, for your youthful, healthy skin.

fibrous collagen is in the nature and offers resistance of the skin. Elastin, the other proteins that also helps the skin stay flexible and businesses still elastic (like a rubber band when stretched then let go of it again in the normal).

But as we all know, the aging of our skin starts and begins to have a few things happen. Our skin is collagen production slows, which starts elastine lose their spring, dead skin cells shed not so fast, and regrowth of new skin cells decrease slightly.

Our instinct is to opt for the anti-wrinkle creams and lotions, but wait ... as I said at the beginning, the anti-wrinkle creams with collagen and elastin does not work, but those companies which anti-wrinkle - creams do not want consumers to know. Here's why.

The collagen and elastin protein molecules are simply too big to be absorbed into the skin. So, if these proteins are put into skin creams and lotions, they are not really pointless to mention a waste of money consumers.

I just do not want you to my word for it, hop on the Internet and some of the research itself anytime reliable scientific site on the skin.

So what if these anti-wrinkle creams, collagen and elastin are fake, and everything that the companies are doing is taking advantage of the consumer's lack of knowledge? Fight back!

Inform yourself so you do not utilized or roped into spending your money on counterfeit products that are not what they say they are.

So even if we have learned that collagen and elastin are the no value in products, are there specific natural ingredients, which, in clinical studies, promotes collagen. Yes, ingredients, the more of your body's own collagen and elastin. The ingredient ... Cynergy TK.

Developed in New Zealand and demonstrated in clinical studies, Cynergy TK has shown:

1. Increase the body's own natural collagen and elastin

2. Improvement of skin elasticity and moisture within a few weeks

3. Protection against loss of antioxidant properties which are contrary to free radicals before they damage your skin cells.

4. help your body new skin cells (up to 160% dissemination rate!)

Make no mistake about it, all anti-wrinkle creams with collagen and elastin in the shelves really are useless. To spend your time researching Cynergy TK and other similar natural ingredients to learn how they work in the production of collagen and elastin. Do your due diligence and you will be rewarded with learning about how to help the health of skin and appearance.


Marcia Kruger is a researcher and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research: http://www.health-beauty-and-vitality.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marcia_Kruger