What is it and why does it work? Micro Power is a subcategory that current dives right into the repair and stimulate or a levy on the cellular level. The application is through the use of probes or wands, brass plates, and /or in combination with acupuncture needles or rollers with different currents, voltages, intensity, polarity and wave forms. This instrument and its application to heal by picking up where the body's own electrical power has failed.
To understand the breadth of this treatment and potential cure for many, many issues that we need to start and see ourselves at the cellular level. The Nobel Prize was earned by two Germans in 1991 for the discovery that the cell membrane wall is the actual intelligence of the whole being. To really well the 18-44 gates or routes through this membrane wall in every cell of each organ system of our body to be effective. The number or openings or gates, depends on the specialty graphite of the cell allows for certain nutrients to enter and certain waste exit.
Following a trauma (which, interestingly, can be emotional or physical, such as surgery, injury or the unfolding of aging ), Intake of food with oxygen, minerals and nutrients malfunctions or falls significantly. Our cells tend to be more or less paralyzed and non-functional normally absorb nutrients and subsequently refer waste products. The plant or mitochondrial function of the cell decreases significantly. It is known that the function more efficiently your cells to transport essential nutrients through the cell wall in the mitochondria (our cellular power plant) and quickly remove toxic wastes from the cell, the faster you can get your cells crucial nutrients to promote health and prevent Aging. Studies from universities in Germany have shown that the most important event in the long-term relief of chronic pain is to restore the normal cellular electrical potential, the cell membrane (and thus the restoration of normal functionality). The major factor that almost all researchers are missing in anti-aging programs is this factor of fuel burning. Through the repair and function of the cell walls by as little as 1% increase May lifetime by up to 10 years.
The main reasons for the aging are oxidative stress and free radicals damage caused by environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and Herbicides, which all contribute to our building load of free radicals, which only accelerates the aging process. ,
We do not exactly think of us as the electrical system, but we are very much. Everywhere in our bodies all communication is electrical and moves from positive and negatively charged ions. Remember that electric currents as to the path of least resistance. Well, what happens with injuries, surgery, trauma and aging resistance, if these channels are disrupted or even separated? In essence this area, we have traumatized ordnungsgema no longer works. Current now moves around the breach or defect and not about them. The cells from which the traumatized area is no longer sufficiently loaded and either do not function effectively or efficiently. The person is "better", but the body has one point less functioning of compensation and not really be repaired in this place of injury. Later, in many cases, that the "old back injury" to our surprise and disappointment. We never healed, it is primarily and usually due to some "stress" in our lives, it has to offer us this opportunity to the real cure we need to do. We have to repair the cell.
Other as acupuncture, some kind of electrical healing, faith healing, rife frequencies, hands-on, or just voodoo, micro-electrical current in my experience is the most effective of all. Why?
How it works to heal wounds? Many studies were conducted on the wound. In reviewing the evidence and in comparison to other means to wound healing, it's been shown that the micro-electrical current from cure-all other leads. The out-performance "is the most dramatic experience in the field of accelerated healing. One of the best scientific publications is from a Dr. Mark Biedebach, from the University of California at Irvine entitled "accelerated HEALING of ischemic skin ulcers BY USE OF ELECTRIC CURRENT MICRO stimulation and the intracellular mechanisms."
In look at the different types of electricity: the wave forms, the output characteristics (voltage and amperage), the frequency, duration of treatment and many other variables, the Electro-Tech Micro Current systems combines the best of the micro-power curves, frequencies and other features starting with the treatment modalities for the latest and best results in the current market and it seems better to other systems. Wound Care results, the results far beyond all expectations.
In look at the actual mechanisms of wound healing (which are quite observable with this technique), there is an orderly sequence of mechanisms which will take place. First, an overcoat, connective tissue forms. This is to watch from beginning to end and the formation of the mantle is often observed during the first treatment. Once the vagina or Fascial layer begins to regenerate the skin will continue to heal at a high speed. We know that new collagen and protein by the body to influence these change.
Micro-Current increased production of new skin cells in the germinative layer. As a teenager, we produce new skin cells very quickly and lead them to the surface and are expanded in about 7 days. With aging, at around 50, this process can take 7 weeks from these cells degenerate and to drain. Studies at the University of Washington show that with 10 consecutive days of micro-current therapy can collagen by 37%,
We know that patients with wound, if this is new collagen, then this should also apply to the Micro-Current facial treatments. Facial rejuvenation has flourished with micro-state of the art. Although you can change with just one treatment, through a series of meetings - wrinkles fade, the skin tightens, it can be a "lifted" look to the facial features and contours, and the skin is re-hydrate to that of more youthful times ,
What is really happening here?
- product will be through to the deeper layers of skin surface
skin is always hydrated
collagen is formed and again hydrated
-elastin will formed
-A new connective tissue layer is re-education, especially that between the skin and the underlying muscle
-The muscle cells and skin cells in the target country areas receive more nutrients into the cell membrane
waste products of normal cellular activity to be set free on an accelerated rate
New skin cells are on an accelerated drop in on-germinative layer
The neuro-muscular re-education aspects of the treatment are lifted, resulting in an appearance to face features
The balancing techniques are the creation of more facial symmetry of right-to-left sides of the face
- advantage neurotransmitters (brain chemicals helpful) will be released So that total relaxation and the central nervous system, the promotion has a positive impact on the general health and wellbeing, far beyond a simple facial treatment, "
with Micro-cell treatments current activity is repaired, and tissue hydration and detoxification have been completed. What are the effects of treatments before and after the surgery? Is the Difference and effort pay off? Healing will be reduced by more than half, scaring all but prevents pain will be reduced drastically, reduces swelling and bruising time significantly reduced. Micro-current therapy is perhaps the most natural form of therapy available as today, it is simply putting back what it once was. This return of electrical activity in an area that is lost, we can promote a genuine and fast healing.
Who uses micro-electric current therapy? Many versions of it have been around for the last hundred years. machines have been developed for proprietary use, others have been continuously improved for a wide adaptive use depends on the therapist's training and the required use .
Physical therapists have used micro-electricity for all neck, back, knee pain issues for the tribes, tendon inflammation, sciatica, TMJ, common themes, shoulders, plantar faciitis, whiplash, chronic and acute pain, neuropathies, disc Disease, soft tissue injuries, arthritis and even stroke rehabilitation.
Athletic trainers have micro-electricity for injury rehabilitation, for strength, pain, inflammation, neuromuscular disease, pulled muscle, tennis elbow, ligament ton, and rotator cuff.
Estheticians are currently Micro-electricity for facial rejuvenation, for the removal of wrinkles, skin, muscle, acne, drainage, varicose veins, varicose veins and dermatitis.
Other used: Wound Care, pension healing, osteoporosis, reduce swelling, bruising, scarring tissue, burn victims, Esophageal sphincter repair cancer, Bell's Palsy, surgical incisions, abdominal pain, cramps, macular degeneration, facelift, post-surgical repair.
Cell atrophy, and possibly cell death may be undone with micro-electric current therapy. I think That this treatment technique is one of the deepest in the arena of anti-aging and should be shared by all who are in the baby-boom years.
To read more on electro micro-current therapy please visit our website:
By Rosemary MacGregor info@themangotreespa
The Mango Tree SPA
Tres Rios de Coronado (Between Dominical and Palmar Norte)
506 2786 5300
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