What it means to grow old gracefully? About ten minutes, I have a television commercial, which is not very efficient, since I have already forgotten the name of the product, but it was my idea spawn to write this article. In America, so many English words and a number of expressions graere have either lost their meaning or never any.
In the commercial a dermatologist and his wife, a psychotherapist, stress that they want to grow old gracefully to explain the them every reason to claim allowances to swallow 25 per day. This confused me, because I do not think we can swallow pills to us graceful, which by definition is smooth, agile, graceful, beautiful, delicate, beautiful and trim. Thus is the growing importance of the dignified old still miss me.
Unless we die young, most of us will eventually look old. And people who look like old-with gray hair and wrinkles, and those who gnarled arthritic fingers and toes, and the people who bent over from osteoporosis, and those who have gained weight because of the age slow metabolism or water retention, When not in the in-group, which is growing old gracefully. They are rare in advertising. Well, maybe growing old gracefully really means "good" and "aesthetically pleasing to the eye."
Let's never forget the priceless message from the fox, Antoine de Saint-Exupery's children's book, "The Little Prince". Fox said: "What is essential is invisible to the eye." Being smooth, agile, graceful, beautiful, delicate, beautiful and trim, are not always available qualities for the elderly among us. Even some younger members of our society have never been in possession of these qualities. So, perhaps now is a good time to rethink what's important in life, in general. Suddenly, my mind filled with my body feels embraced by the amorphous pictures of gratitude that the adoption of the conditions of welfare associations, the kind, caring, compassionate, caring and generous. The former are just a few of the many words in my thesarus under grace. " Then the expression of growing old gracefully would metamorphose in growing old with grace. And imagine how beautiful it would be, even with young grace.
Growing old gracefully in this third millennium means that if every few wrinkles (you have a face-lift, Botox or collagen injections), has your hair color ( It will be regularly dyed - Highlights and low-light), or you look fabulous with grey hair (you are lucky), you can thin (probably had liposuction, diet fanatic, and spend your time in the gym); They have great physical efficiency (good for you), the well-proportioned body (you prepare food ebermaig or you have implants), and you take from 25 supplements per day (hey, someone has to finance the industry).
And, if the expression growing old gracefully They are among those that the English language is not correct, and you really are not any, because this growing trend - the phenomenon that our lack of importance of linguistic expressions, and we are not really say what we mean. Growing old with grace also means that you have to know your limits and your activities shift when your body is crying "Enough!" How she asks you, from the strenuous sport your ego loves it an activity of your aging body can more easily bear . And, more importantly, grace would mean that you finally accept the new restrictions. Maybe "to grow old with tolerance" would be more accurate to describe what is happening in our society is for the hungry. This would mean that we grow old and be generous, open-minded, forgiving, and the adoption patient.
Growing old used to the mean value. According to Erik Erikson, the German development psychologist and psychoanalyst, who is known for his theory of human social development of the opinion that our lifetime includes eight stages. This article deals with the last two:
State 7: Age 40-65 - Generativity vs. stagnation, where the best possible solution is to "care". And Stage 8: age 65 until death - Integrity vs. despair, where the optimal solution is possible, 'wisdom', which, among other things, is the acceptance of one's own life.
Wisdom, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is defined as: a) Accumulated philosophical or scientific learning KNOW, b) the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships-INSIGHT c) Good sense-JUDGMENT.
This author does not believe that any number of allowances would ever swallowed the qualities wisdom.
People care or use of the term "grow old gracefully", but they really mean that the years pass and their birthdays tell the story of their timeline, that they are doing what it takes to make it young and others to convince them that they feel young. In this third millennium ago is unfortunately as a curse. And as a result of graeren curse is that we are not our old people worship. Is there something about graceful desperately clinging to youth - caused people to swallow 25 pills per day, subjecting their bodies to cosmetic surgery, in the exercise of obsessive, fanatical diet, sometimes binging and purging, dressing and clothing for teenagers, and even imitate , the verb Alen expressions, facial and hand gestures of the youth - the generation born to replace them?
So, which means "growing old gracefully" really means? If you will be able to play sports vigorously by all means continue, until your body says "no more!" If you believe in the perception and the food is good, by all means so.
Enter here to the "great stretch of the mind to raise awareness." Check with your Strict diets and reasons for the exercise until you find one for the Grae an aging woman and a 32 waist for an aging man to consider why your body would lead to a variety of cosmetic surgical procedures; check why you would buy all kinds of anti-wrinkle creams and wear low-cut tight Capri pants, your stomach, along with midriff tops that your thighs "six-pack" stomach. Are you really old gracefully? Or, as the years pass, which they consider everyone (if you are lucky), and adding it calculates machine, which it does, your psyche really deny the meaning behind all this? That no matter how desperate you cling to the youth, you will die. We all die.
The return of housedress or muumuu is not even a consideration. Maybe your mothers or grandmothers wore them in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s. Growing old gracefully does not mean you have to wear housedresses. So, what does "growing old gracefully" mean to you? And what do you suppose it means others who are aging, as you are aging?
Does the mirror, mirror on the wall really say anything? Are you really old gracefully, if you look at what to look for you "when you were forty?" Whom did you really deceived - are you really still forty? Or you will die, just as you would otherwise, as the man in the coffin just look like you were forty? Only now you have a lot of hard work and a lot of money trying to return your youth, which we have defined as the "grace". To cope with the American writer Gertrude Stein, "A rose is a rose is a rose." I believe that "our chronological age, although any form of appearance, or the sum of money that we have spent, or lots of exercise we" ve done, or a lot of self, we have committed and remains our chronological age. "In other words," Your age is your age is your age. "And the mother is not what you do, you can not fool Mother Nature!
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