Anti-aging addresses how to prevent, slow, or reverse the effects of aging and help people live longer, healthier, happier lives. It includes scientific research and applications in genetic engineering, tissue engineering, and other medical advances, e.g., finding treatments and cures for Alzheimer’s disease. It includes anti-aging psychology, e.g., coping skills for resiliently handling change, stress, and aging. Life extension is the part of anti-aging focused on living as long as possible.

The anti-aging marketplace includes nutrition, physical fitness, skin care, hormone replacements, vitamins, supplements, and herbs. Alternative medicine and holistic approaches have often been an incubator for approaches initially shunned by traditional medicine.

What Every Effective Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment Should Have

Let's face it. Now a day, it may be extremely difficult, the election of an anti-aging skin care treatment you know will work. It is therefore important that we step back to the right solution and determine what kind of ingredients are necessary to fight and prevent signs of aging skin.

If you do not already know, there are three important reasons why your skin aging developed characters. So, if you want, press again the aging clock, you must be an anti-aging skin care, the treatment of these three main causes of aging skin:

1. loss of collagen and elastin proteins

As you can time your skin loses valuable proteins, collagen and elastin, which the leadership of the skin, elastin, and clay. Without them, wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging begin. It is therefore important that you have an anti-aging skin care treatment, which is an ingredient, increases collagen and elastin levels.

** IMPORTANT ** The only way to include collagen and elastin in your skin with an ingredient that stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin. Products that actually contain proteins collagen and elastin can not work as collagen and elastin molecules are too big to be absorbed through the skin. And added that these proteins are ineffective because in many other parts of the body to use these proteins, so that your skin is not the right amount they need. Plus, the body tends to reject foreign protein collagen and elastin.

2. Low hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is used by the body to proteins collagen and elastin fibers together. It is the 'glue' that hold them together. Without them, the skin loses its youthful appearance and dark circles around the eyes begin to form. But an enzyme in the body called hyaluronic acid hyaluronidase breaks on a regular basis.

How can you prevent this? Get an anti-aging skin care treatment, which is an ingredient that prevents the activity of hyaluronidase. The more "glue" for the skin, the more protein fibers can.

3. damage caused by free radicals

Free radicals are the skin of the worst enemy. You actually have natural antioxidants in the skin that you have to fight these free radicals, coming from various sources, including pollution, UV radiation, and poor nutrition. But as you grow older, antioxidant levels begin to fall.

This is the reason why an effective anti-aging skin care treatment needed to produce enough potent antioxidants that combat free radicals. And antioxidants, which are deep in the skin are the ones you are looking for. Because if free radicals continue to do what they do, you develop undesirable characters aging faster than necessary.


Getting an anti aging skin care treatment that contains ingredients that prevent these major causes of aging is the easiest way to push back the aging process. If any one of these ingredients are absent in an anti aging skin care solution, then you're just letting the aging process catch up to you faster. I invite you to learn more about ingredients that reverse these three causes of aging and the product line that contains these ingredient by visiting my website listed below.

Jason Michaels is a long time user and passionate admirer of all natural skin care products. Visit his site now and discover the latest and greatest breakthrough anti aging products and ingredients he recommends after conducting extensive research on anti-aging skin care ---> Go to http://www.skin-and-health-site.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_P._Michaels